Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Matt Demands an Update

Well Matt has demanded an update on the situation with the rear-ending of the VW Jetta.

I took the car in for the requisite repairs and was promptly given a rental.

Turns out upon pickup of the freshly repaired car, that the brake light switch noted in the recall was not at fault after all. Apparently the jolt of having been rear-ended, caused all the brake lights except for the center mounted one, to fail.

The brake switch was the subject of a recall but mine had not yet failed.

Also - the man in question who had hit had NOT had a stroke, but rather a bad reaction to his medication. The police have recommended his license be 'reviewed'. This means he probably won't be able to drive any longer for medical reasons.

I still see his coke-out-crack-whore-daughter around town a lot.

Oh my eyes.


Blogger Darrell said...

That right there, Big Gay John in Canada Friend of Matt, is a mind-boggling story.

2:38 PM

Blogger Workman said...

See, was that so tough?

11:28 PM


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